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Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

NosferaL Promotion Band - Post Hardcore

by Inspirationerz

Halo sobat Inspirationerz semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan semangat,

NosferaL Promotion Band - Post-Hardcore

1. Pict Nosferal

2. Members Nosferal

---> Fajrian (Screamer)

---> Armelll (Vocalist/Growl)

---> Firdausy (Lead Guitarist)

---> Ivan (Rhythm Guitarist)

---> Andy (Bassist/Growl)

---> Josh (Drummer)

3. Detailed Info

First, NosferaL wuz the new name from ''DUST'' and it had been leaving by some personils. Its only Daus (Guitarist), Ivan (Guitarist), Fajri (Vocal), and Yos (Drum) want to continuing the band. Then we've got to agree about changing our Band name into ''NosferaL''. We're agree 'bout the name, and we felt into SCREAMO's Music. Then we meet with another personil with the same interest in music, like Andy (Bassist) and Armel (Vocal). Then until now, we have our own songs like ''Dont trust U anymore'' and ''Farewell''. and we want to imagine, create, and play another songs, eventually its a bit hard, We're going to catch NosferaL dream, became Famous with a good musics and plays and became a Legend Forever!!!

Current Location:

General Manager:
Wendy Exammoudes

Booking Agent:
0815-84618288 (Firdausy)

Press Contact:
0815-84618288 (Firdausy)

Artists We Also Like:
Alesana, AttackAttack!, Asking Alexandria, A skylit Drive, Eyes set to Kill, Bring me the Horizon, Escape The Fate...

NosferaL influenced by some Awesome well-known Screamo Band like '' Alesana, AttackAttack!, Asking Alexandria, A skylit Drive, Eyes set to Kill, Bring me the Horizon, Escape The Fate, Evergreen Terrace''...


Jakarta Scream City

Record Label:

4. Karya Nosferal (Original)

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