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Isnanz Inspiration | Berbagi Inspirasi Bersama Isnanz

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Peringkat Negara-Negara Berdasar IQ

by Inspirationerz

Halo sobat Inspirationerz semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan semangat,

6 Austria 102
6 Germany 102
6 Italy 102
6 Netherlands 102
10 Sweden 101
10 Switzerland 101
12 Belgium 100
12 China 100
12 New Zealand 100
12 United Kingdom 100
16 Hungary 99
16 Poland 99
18 Australia 98
18 Denmark 98
18 France 98
18 Norway 98
18 United States 98
23 Canada 97
23 Czech Republic 97
23 Finland 97
23 Spain 97
27 Argentina 96
27 Russia 96
27 Slovakia 96
27 Uruguay 96
31 Portugal 95
31 Slovenia 95
33 Israel 94
33 Romania 94
35 Bulgaria 93
35 Ireland 93
37 Greece 92
37 Malaysia 92
39 Thailand 91
40 Croatia 90
40 Peru 90
40 Turkey 90
43 Colombia 89
43 Indonesia 89
43 Suriname 89
46 Brazil 87
46 Iraq 87
46 Mexico 87
46 Samoa 87
46 Tonga 87
51 Lebanon 86
51 Philippines 86
53 Cuba 85
53 Morocco 85
55 Fiji 84
55 Iran 84
55 Marshall Islands 84
55 Puerto Rico 84
59 Egypt 83
60 India 81
61 Ecuador 80
62 Guatemala 79
63 Barbados 78
63 Nepal 78
63 Qatar 78
66 Zambia 77
67 Congo 73
67 Uganda 73
69 Jamaica 72
69 Kenya 72
69 South Africa 72
69 Sudan 72
69 Tanzania 72
74 Ghana 71
75 Nigeria 67
76 Guinea 66
76 Zimbabwe 66
78 Democratic Republic of the Congo 65
79 Sierra Leone 64
80 Ethiopia 63
81 Equatorial Guinea 59

Spoiler for Pringkat 1-5:
1 Hong Kong 107
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
4 Taiwan 104
5 Singapore 103

Ternyata indonesia lumayan jauh ya

sumbernya :http://en.wikipe*dia.org/wiki/IQ_and_the_Wealth_of_Nations
sumber: http://www.unik.us/b-16/peringkat-negara-negara-berdasar-iq/#top

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