1. Lethal Injection
- Sodium thiopenta
- Pancuronium bromide
- Potassium chloride
2. The Electric Chair
Paska-eksekusi kulit dapat melebur ke elektroda dan orang sering kehilangan kontrol atas fungsi badan. Kulit juga akan terbakar. Terakhir penggunaan kursi listrik adalah pada 12 September 2007 di Tennessee. Anda dapat melihat gambar mengerikan dari seseorang setelah dieksekusi oleh kursi listrik.
3. Gas Chamber
4. Single Person Shooting
5. Firing Squad
"All being ready the Marshal waved his handkerchief as the signal, and the firing party discharged the volley. Johnson did not move, remaining in a sitting posture for several seconds after the rifles were discharged. Then he quivered a little, and fell over beside his coffin. He was still alive, however, and the four reserves were called to complete the work. It was found that two of the firing party, Germans, had not discharged their pieces, and they were immediately put in irons. Johnson was shot several times in the heart by the first volley. Each of the four shots fired by the reserves took effect in his head, and he died instantly. One penetrated his chin, another his left cheek, while two entered the brain just above the left eyebrow. He died at precisely a quarter to four o’clock".
Di Amerika Serikat dikatakan bahwa hanya dua negara bagian yang mengizinkan pelaksanaan eksekusi metode ini,yaitu Idaho, dan Oklahoma.
6. Hanging
terakhir digunakan hukuman gantung dari Saddam Hussein’s half brother, Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, di Irak pada tahun 2007.
7. Beheading
Pejabat Arab Saudi menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak dalam pelanggaran hukum internasional karena hukuman tidak dilakukan sampai anak telah mencapai usia 18 tahun. Hal ini terjadi dengan Dhahian Rakan al-Sibai'i yang dihukum saat berusia 15 tahun,tetapi hukuman dilakukan saat dia sudah berusia 18 tahun.
8. Guillotine
9. Stoning
“The penalty for adultery under Article 83 of the penal code, called the Law of Hodoud is flogging (100 lashes of the whip) for unmarried male and female offenders. Married offenders may be punished by stoning regardless of their gender, but the method laid down for a man involves his burial up to his waist, and for a woman up to her neck (article 102). The law provides that if a person who is to be stoned manages to escape, he or she will be allowed to go free. Since it is easier for a man to escape, this discrimination literally becomes a matter of life and death.”
Hukuman mati dengan batu telah terjadi di Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iran, Malaysia, Sudan, Arab Saudi dan Uni Emirat Arab dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, sesuai dengan Masyarakat Internasional Hak Asasi Manusia. Video terbaru stonings dari Iran Anda dapat menonton nya disini. stoning terakhir di Iran adalah pada tahun 2007 ketika Jaffar Kiani dihukum mati karena perzinahan.
10. Garrote
sumber :http://kask.us/3825012
sumber: http://www.unik.us/b-16/10-macam-hukuman-mati/msg4807/#msg4807
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